September 07, 2021
It is a tedious job to quit smoking. Vaping is one way to do so. This is because through vaping smokers can still have nicotine but with fewer toxins included from the burned tobacco. Through vaping, you can remain social yet spend less on vapes instead of cigarettes; and when you have totally quit the habit you’ll feel good about it.
When you quit smoking and start to vape, you will notice immediate results. The truth is that every stick of cigarette you don’t smoke will be to your benefit. E-cigarettes don’t really contain more than 4,000 chemicals and carcinogens that you often find in traditional cigarettes. In as short as eight hours after the last tobacco cigarette, the body will start to eliminate the excess carbon monoxide from the blood. This ensures that the body will improve oxygen levels and returning to its normal condition. Because e-cigarettes don’t have carbon monoxide content, a smoker who switched to vaping is like going through a detoxification. As you start a smoke-free lifestyle, there will be dramatic changes in your body. You will have a much better sense of taste and smell. You will have improved lung function and a reduced risk for stroke and heart disease.
The major reason why vaping makes a good replacement for tobacco smoking is that it gives the smoker the real sensation of smoking, making it less difficult to handle the addiction. There are other Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) that offer nicotine to the body. These can be in the form of gums, patches, and sprays; but they don’t replicate the feeling of smoking a tobacco cigarette.
It is easier to eliminate nicotine with the help of vaping. Through vaping, you can easily reduce the nicotine strength levels until you become comfortable with having zero nicotine when you vape. As a result, some people quit vaping too. If not, they retain vaping with zero nicotine.
Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes were created as smoking cessation devices. It has become a tool for people to quit smoking and in the same way, a recreational tool that works as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. The e-cigs are more affordable and discrete in terms of use. Some people use e-cigs to eliminate their smoking habit in a way that can be sustained. It is a difficult and tricky path to take though. For vaping to be productive in getting rid of smoking, there are some tips you have to consider.
Choose several flavors that you find enjoyable. One of the reasons why vaping appeals to many is the variety of e-juice flavors that you can find, instead of the traditional tobacco or menthol flavor. Smell and taste have a major role in triggering habits and forming memories. Changing your e-juice flavor is an effective way of dissociating from the taste of tobacco cigarettes.
Another strategy is to stick with the tobacco flavor yet slowly decreasing the nicotine level. This is the start of reducing your nicotine intake which is the hardest part of quitting the smoking habit. The trick is to stick with your reduced nicotine dose for two to four weeks before you reduce the nicotine level again.
Smoking is associated with boredom and stress relief. You will have more chances of quitting the smoking habit when you find a different outlet or release for stress and boredom. This can be a new exercise regime or anything that can keep your mind away from smoking. Most people succeed in this aspect by tricking their minds of physical hints that are more like smoking, e.g., chewing on straws.
If you have already set up all the distractions that will help you forget your cravings and you can easily vape with a reduced level of nicotine, you can start to let go of vaping regularly. You can leave your vape at home deliberately to prevent yourself from vaping during your break.
Vaping is not exactly a risk-free habit, but it is definitely safer than cigarette smoking. Recent studies all support the fact that vaping is better for your health than smoking. According to Public Health England, e-cigs are 95 percent safer than smoking. Cancer Research UK, on the other hand, supports vaping in fighting against smoking-related illnesses. In 2015 alone, e-cigarettes were able to stop 49 people per day from smoking.
The risk from vaping is lower compared to smoking. This is quite clear. Almost all of the dangers that come from tobacco cigarettes are caused by tar, CO, and harmful toxins that tobacco produced while vaping does not include combustion, but simply heats the liquid to produce an aerosol. The vapor that vaping produces does not have the many toxins that are produced by tobacco. Toxins that are present are also at a much lower concentration, mostly lower than 1 percent of their quantity in tobacco cigarettes.
Health improvements are also observed in the health of smokers who switched to vaping. Their risk of incurring heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, asthma, and emphysema is greatly reduced, and they simply feel much better. The risk of cancer is also less than 1 percent compared to that of smoking.
The long-term risk of vaping can only be known in 20 to 30 years. That’s why this has to be monitored closely. However, looking into the biomarkers and chemical content in vapor, it is likely for the vaping risks to be lower than smoking which can kill two in three people who are long-term smokers.
Vaping is a good smoking cessation tool, but only if it is for this purpose. If it is used to go with smoking since some vapers are smokers too then vaping can never be beneficial to health. In this case, it is just as harmful as cigarette smoking.
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