September 03, 2021
Vaping affects cardio; that’s a fact, but it’s not half the effects of cigarette smoking. Vaping has always been known to be safer than smoking, especially when you engage in cardiovascular activity. This is mainly because of the lack of tar sent to the lungs. When some runners switch from smoking to vaping, most of them claim that they experience a positive effect on their breathing. One can say this is an expected impact considering the elimination of tar from the person’s lungs.
If you are starting to vape without smoking in the past, the impact may be the opposite. You have to bear in mind that any chemical that is carried to the lungs constitutes a level of risk to the lungs and one’s general health. One of the benefits of the switch from smoking to vaping is the decrease of systolic blood pressure, which is the measure of the pressure placed on the arteries during heart contractions. Smoking has been known to increase pressure. When you switch from smoking to vaping, you will see an improvement in your blood pressure. However, when you vape for the first time and without any smoking experience, you are likely to notice a reduction in cardio performance although these may be less substantially compared to smoking cigarettes.
By switching to vaping, a smoker can experience a gradual decrease in nicotine intake. A sudden change in nicotine intake may cause weight gain due to increased appetite, sugary food cravings, and a slower metabolism.
It is safe to say that by switching from smoking to vaping, you will have improved running performance due to some contributing factors such as increased lung capacity, controlled blood pressure, and preventing some weight-gain factors through the maintenance of nicotine levels. This may not be the same though when you vape or smoke for the first time.
Smoking has been established as a no-no when it comes to athletic performance. Its harmful effects are already proven by research. According to research, nicotine speeds up the heart rate and narrows one’s arteries. Smoking can increase blood pressure. It is also known for having harmful effects that can reduce the physical performance of an athlete.
Some health experts claim that vaping is 95 percent safer for health than smoking. Some studies also showed some positive impacts of vaping on athletic performance. Some of the positive effects of vaping on physical performance include better cardio performance, stronger stamina, having increased energy, a much better mood, and weight control.
Athletes who smoke cigarettes experience shortness of breath when they do strenuous exercises. Vapers have been seen to perform better in strength training compared to smokers.
Smoking can cause an athlete to have poor stamina, and stamina is necessary for working out and attaining health and fitness. It is said that a dry herb vaporizer can enhance an athlete’s stamina.
Nicotine which is found in e-juice is a stimulant. That means that when the e-juice is vaped, the nicotine gives one’s nervous system a kick-start to increase the body’s energy level. It also increases the heart rate a bit.
Nicotine also activates the pleasure sensors found in the brain. By vaping, athletes can feel good about themselves. It helps motivate the athletes and prevents them from experiencing the lows.
Using a vape pen that contains nicotine can help in controlling one’s weight. This is important for the maintenance of correct posture among athletes.
Based on research, an athlete may decide to vape a weed pen due to numerous reasons, primarily for relaxation, enhanced performance and concentration, and healthy weight control. Vaping can also help an athlete to quit smoking which can have adverse effects on one’s athletic performance and health in general.
If you regularly run and vape, it’s only right for you to know if the two can go well together. This is especially important because vaping is used for most people to give them a nicotine kick. For people who smoke regularly, vaping can help in relieving the body of the harmful ingredients that are found in cigarettes.
If you are now a seasoned smoker and vapes before a run, this can have an adverse effect on your heart rate. It also restricts your arteries and the oxygen level in the blood. This affects the stamina and level of energy of the athlete. Vaping’s long-term impact on the lungs is still to be studied.
In general vaping and running have adverse effects on your performance. However, if you are a smoker, vaping taken as an alternative to cigarette smoking can be more beneficial to health. It also helps you to perform your exercise routines better due to the lack of cigarette smoke. It is also a sustainable method of eliminating nicotine and tobacco product for good.
However, when you vape for the experience and not to quit the cigarette smoking habit, this will eventually affect your running or athletic performance in general due to its adverse effects on your lung health, cardiovascular system, and energy levels.
A runner who smokes and who is slowly transitioning to vaping is more likely to have an improved cardiovascular system. However, it still requires monitoring and precaution since heavy vaping can increase one’s chances of incurring respiratory infections as well as a delay in recovery.
There is less oxidation in vaping compared to cigarette smoking, but still, there is oxidation. Some vapers claim that they experience improved performance in running, cycling, and swimming, but studies have to be done to ensure that this is not from the perspective of runners who have a smoking background.
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